Friday, September 23, 2011

Homemade Friday: Sebastian's sweater

Artfully styled, no?
Sebastian has been asking me to knit, or 'yarn' him a sweater for a month or so.  Every time he'd see me knitting it was "Can you yarn me something?  Can you yarn me a sweater?"

He needed a fall/winter sweater anyway, so after coming off a slightly complicated baby sweater I wanted something that was mindless.  And this fit the bill.

It's the Child's Placket-Neck Pullover from Last Minute Knitted Gifts.  I've used this book and this pattern multiple times with varying results.  Some of the patterns worked out really well.  Some didn't because of my mistakes and some because they just don't make any damn sense which is completely irritating when you've invested lots of money and time to make your at-the-time-fiance a warm sweater for when he's in ALASKA and it just turns out awkward and weirdly shaped through NO FAULT OF YOUR OWN.

Ignore the mess.  Or don't.  WHATEVER.

Moving on.

The yarn I was using wasn't the same gauge that the pattern called for so I had to do a lot of math, which isn't that big of a deal.  I always have to do math when I knit because I can't seem to follow a pattern exactly.  I feel the need to tweak things unnecessarily.

So other than the math, it was pretty straightforward and simple and mindless and satisfying.

Until I tried it on Sebastian and realized the sleeves were too short.  It may be because I measured wrong but I'll probably blame it on the fact that he keeps growing when I specifically told him a year ago to STOP THAT ALREADY.

I may fix them.  It's pretty easy.

But I've already moved on to my next project (socks for Sebastian), and have a long list of things planned after that.

So maybe I'll just leave it.  He has to wear something underneath it anyway because according to him 'it tickles.'

So far his record for wearing it is 3 minutes.  He hasn't really needed a warm sweater yet so we'll see how it goes once the weather really cools down.

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